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4 Content Promotion tools to Increase your Brand’s reach

Through relevant and valuable content, your brand can reach more audience and create a stronger connection with them. By promoting your content, you are able to expand the reach of your brand and get your content out there. With promotion comes more people who engage with your content thus giving you more opportunities to turn a visitor into a customer. Here are 4 ideas for content promotion to help you increase your brand’s reach:

1. Make it easy for your audience to share your content

With content promotion, the easier it is for the reader to share your content, the more likely the reader is to share it. To make it simple to share your content on social media, strategically placed social media buttons should be added along with your content. By letting your audience share it on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and other platforms, you are giving the reader more space to share your message across giving you a wider customer base to connect with.

2. Use paid ads to promote new content

Investing in social media promotion or pay-per-click ads on the search engines like Google is an excellent way to get your content out there. By identifying the top performing content pieces of your page, you can build a paid ad around them and attract more traffic to your website or any social media platform.

3. Keep your email subscribers updated with new content

Email marketing is one of the most effective way to promote your content. With new pieces for your content, make sure to fit them in your campaigns for email marketing. This can be done by sending out newsletters containing all the latest updates about your brand, by sending out the latest blogs or by a content that is sent out to a specific audience. With email marketing, there is a great response rate as emails tend to have a higher number of click through and response compared to other digital marketing tools.

4. Creating a short video for your content

A great way to make your content more interesting is by turning your written content into a video. With a video you can summarize your blog post and any message you want to spread in a more engaging manner. A video can help direct more traffic to your site through which you can further direct your audience to connect with all your other content for your success.

These tools can help reach more people and promote your brand. If you wish to promote your content, get in touch with the experts at Oxbridge Digital. We have the best content development and creation team out there!