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5 Facebook ad tips to boost ROI

How good and effective is your Facebook ad campaign? Facebook ads have become a major part of digital marketing for any business. With the reach of audience it offers, it can help a brand grow immensely.

However, to boost your ROI using Facebook advertising, certain strategies and techniques need to be followed to generate maximum profit. Here are 5 tips that can help improve your ROI:

  1. Focus on the headline

As much as we believe that images are the first thing that catches the eye of the customer, the Facebook ad headline which is the text under the image is ultimately what will get customers to click through, increasing CTR. Thus, for the headline to be effective you need to make sure that your headline is optimized and no word is cut off. It should be relevant to your targeted customer base.

  1. Make your creatives stand out

For any ad to be successful, you need to be creative in such a way that it stands out. It should have such content that makes a read stop scrolling through their news feed for a few seconds to understand what your ad is all about. If your focus on purely on image, make sure the image stands out by using bold and bright colours, colours that catch the eye of the viewer. With videos becoming the main focus these days, make sure that the first dew seconds of your video clearly highlights what this ad is about along with your logo.

  1. Get more engagement

The purpose of a Facebook ad isn’t only getting conversions out of it, but also to get more engagements on your page making your page more relevant to your audience. A higher relevancy gives your ad a higher reputation that is based on the Facebook algorithm. Asking a question in your ad often brings about more engagement than otherwise.

  1. Target your audience effectively

Facebook ad targeting need to be done strategically and effectively. This can be done through effective analysis of the main focus of your brand, what kind of people you want your business to attract. To keep your ad generating success, you need to keep retargeting your audience to make sure maximum people have been reached

  1. Make the ads look natural in the newsfeed

For any company it is important to set a tone with their language. Whether you have chosen a more professional language or if you’ve chosen to keep it semi-casual and upbeat with your content, it needs to be applied overall in your brand language. Thus, to make your ad more effective make sure your brand tone remains intact to keep a more natural format.

Oxbridge Digital believes in brands and their success. Get in touch with our experts to generate maximum profit from your Facebook ad campaigns.

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